Test results

This walkthrough example used a DseValidator to validate one page of a manuscript.

import edu.holycross.shot.citevalidator._
import edu.holycross.shot.scm._
val lib = CiteLibrarySource.fromFile("jvm/src/test/resources/csample.cex")

val dseValidator = DseValidator(lib)
val validators = Vector(dseValidator)

import edu.holycross.shot.cite._
val pg = Cite2Urn("urn:cite2:ecod:eins121pages.v1:21")
val rslts = LibraryValidator.validate(pg,validators)

The output of the validation was a Vector of TestResults. TestResults have a Boolean success member so you can easily distinguish success and failures.

val good = rslts.filter(_.success)
val bad = rslts.filterNot(_.success)

The DseValidator has a markdownResults method you can use to format a summary of the results in markdown.

println("**Successes**: " + good.size + "\n")

println("\n**Failures**: " + bad.size + "\n")

Successes: 1

  • Compare text urn:cts:chant:massordinary.eins121.text_xml:h007_2.h00.1 to image Linked to zoomble imageText passage urn:cts:chant:massordinary.eins121.text_xml:h007_2.h00.1 found in corpus.

Failures: 1

  • Compare text urn:cts:chant:massordinary.eins121.text_xml:h007_2.h02.1@Mem-h02.1@in to image Linked to zoomble imageIndexed passage urn:cts:chant:massordinary.eins121.text_xml:h007_2.h02.1@Mem-h02.1@in NOT FOUND in text corpus.


You can also make a TestResultGroup from a Vector of TestResult. This offers a few short-cut methods for viewing or printing summaries of results. See the API docs for details.


The DseValidator can also write a Markdown-formatted text for human verification of the results.


Verification: 21

1 valid / 2 passages


To verify that coverage of DSE indexing is complete, use this link

Accuracy of valid passages

Linked to zoomble image