package citeobj

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. citeobj
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait BaseCitable extends AnyRef

    Trait defining the minimum functionality of a discrete citable object.

  2. case class CiteCatalog(collections: Vector[CiteCollectionDef]) extends Product with Serializable

    Catalog defining structure of all collections in a repository.

    Catalog defining structure of all collections in a repository.


    Defintions of structure of individual collections.

  3. case class CiteCollectionData(data: Vector[CitePropertyValue]) extends Product with Serializable

    Data values for a repository of citable objects and properties.

    Data values for a repository of citable objects and properties. The data are organized as a Vector of CitePropertyValues. URN twiddling on this Vector can be used to construct any other valid sets of values, such as all values in a given collection, or all values used to create an individual CiteObject.


    vector of property values. Because CitePropertyValues have URNs, they can be grouped by object using URN twiddling.

  4. case class CiteCollectionDef(urn: Cite2Urn, collectionLabel: String, propertyDefs: Vector[CitePropertyDef], license: String = "public domain", labellingProperty: Option[Cite2Urn] = None, orderingProperty: Option[Cite2Urn] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    Catalog entry defining a single CITE Collection.

    Catalog entry defining a single CITE Collection.


    URN for the collection.


    Readable label for the collection.


    CitePropertyDefs for all properties appearing in the collection.


    Statement of licensing terms applying to the collection as a whole.


    Optionally specified URN for property labelling individual objects. If None, a default will be created by the labelProperty function.


    URN for the property sequencing objects, if the collection is ordered.

  5. case class CiteCollectionRepository(data: CiteCollectionData, objects: CiteObjectMap, catalog: CiteCatalog) extends Product with Serializable

    A cataloged collection of citable data.

    A cataloged collection of citable data. In initialization, the constructor validates every object in the data against the structure defined in the catalog.


    Collection of data values.


    Documentation of the structure of each collection.

  6. case class CiteObject(urn: Cite2Urn, label: String, propertyList: Vector[CitePropertyImplementation]) extends BaseCitable with Product with Serializable

    Representation of a single citable object.

    Representation of a single citable object. Note that this can easily be constructed from the properties in a set of CiteCollectionData by URN twiddling, but since the CiteObject representation elevates urn and label properties into object members, its propertyList will have two items fewer than the properties resulting from twiddling on a CiteCollectionData or from consulting the CiteCatalog corresponding to the CiteCollectionData.


    Identifier required by BaseCitable trait.


    Human-readable string required by BaseCitable trait.


    Possibly empty vector of any further CitePropertyValues belonging to this object.

  7. case class CiteObjectException(message: String = "", cause: Option[Throwable] = None) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

    Extension for exceptions specific to the citeobj package.

    Extension for exceptions specific to the citeobj package.

  8. case class CiteObjectMap(objectMap: Map[Cite2Urn, CiteObject]) extends Product with Serializable

    Map of URN -> CiteObject for a repository of citable objects and properties.

    Map of URN -> CiteObject for a repository of citable objects and properties. The data are organized as a Map[Cite2Urn,CiteObject].


    map of urns to cite2 objects.

  9. case class CitePropertyDef(urn: Cite2Urn, label: String, propertyType: CitePropertyType, vocabularyList: Vector[String] = Vector.empty) extends Product with Serializable

    Definition of the structure of single CITE property.

    Definition of the structure of single CITE property.


    URN for the property. Note that this must include a collection component at the property level, and must *not* include an object selector.


    Human-readable label for the property.


    CitePropertyType applying to this property.


    Possibly empty Vector with a controlled vocabulary list for this property. Note that the list can only be non-empty if the CitePropertyType for this property is StringType.

  10. case class CitePropertyImplementation(urn: Cite2Urn, propertyDef: CitePropertyDef, propertyValue: Any) extends Product with Serializable

    Definition of the structure of single CITE property.

    Definition of the structure of single CITE property.


    URN for the property. Note that this must include a collection component at the property level, and must *not* include an object selector.

  11. sealed trait CitePropertyType extends AnyRef

    Sealed trait for explicit enumeration of CITE property types.

  12. case class CitePropertyValue(urn: Cite2Urn, propertyValue: Any) extends Product with Serializable

    An instance of a property value.

    An instance of a property value.


    URN identifying this value. Note that the URN must include an object selector, and its collection component must be at the property level.


    A value. Its type must be valid for the property type cataloged for the property of which this is an instance.


Value Members

  1. def mapsForDelimited(src: String, delimiter: String = "#"): Vector[Map[String, String]]

    Creates a Vector of maps from a delimited text file with header line.

    Creates a Vector of maps from a delimited text file with header line. Values of the header line serve as keys to the maps. Each entry in the vector maps a single row's values from column header to corresponding value.


    Delimited text data, including a header line.


    String defining columns.

  2. def validValue(propertyValue: Any, propertyDef: CitePropertyDef): Boolean

    True if propertyValue is valid for propertyType.

    True if propertyValue is valid for propertyType.


    Value for a CITE Collection property.

  3. object BooleanType extends CitePropertyType with Product with Serializable

    Type of all boolean values.

  4. object Cite2UrnType extends CitePropertyType with Product with Serializable

    Type of all Cite2Urn values.

  5. object CiteCatalog extends Serializable

    Object providing factory methods for creating CiteCatalog instances from various kinds of sources.

  6. object CiteCollectionData extends Serializable

    Factory for creating CiteCollectionData from source data in CEX format.

  7. object CiteCollectionRepository extends Serializable

    Factory for creating CiteCollectionRepository from a CEX source.

  8. object CiteObjectMap extends Serializable

    Factory for creating CiteCollectionData from source data in CEX format.

  9. object CitePropertyValue extends Serializable

    Factory for creating values from string serializations.

  10. object CiteRepositorySource

    Factory for creating CiteCollectionRepository.

  11. object ControlledVocabType extends CitePropertyType with Product with Serializable

    Type of all String values limited to values in an explicitly defined set of values (or vocabulary list).

  12. object CtsUrnType extends CitePropertyType with Product with Serializable

    Type of all CtsUrn values.

  13. object NumericType extends CitePropertyType with Product with Serializable

    Type of all numeric values.

  14. object StringType extends CitePropertyType with Product with Serializable

    Type of all unconstrained String values.

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object CiteDataSource

    Factory for creating CiteCollectionData.

    Factory for creating CiteCollectionData.


    (Since version 3.0.0) CiteDataSource deprecated in favor of CiteRepositorySource

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
