Constructing an IIIF service
Library version 3.2.0
You’ll need these two libraries:
import edu.holycross.shot.citebinaryimage._
import edu.holycross.shot.cite._
To construct an IIIFApi
for a specific image, you need to know:
- a base url for the IIIF service, and
- a path on the server to the image.
val baseUrl = ""
// baseUrl: String = ""
val pathBase = "/project/homer/pyramidal/deepzoom/"
// pathBase: String = "/project/homer/pyramidal/deepzoom/"
In this example, the image service’s directory layout reflects the URN of the image. In cases like this, you can use the PathUtility
object to expand a Cite2Urn into a directory path. We can contenate that with the pathBase
to get a full path to the image.
// The image citation:
val imgCollection = Cite2Urn("urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:")
// imgCollection: Cite2Urn = Cite2Urn("urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:")
val imgPath = PathUtility.expandedPath(imgCollection)
// imgPath: String = "hmt/vaimg/2017a/"
val fullPath = pathBase + imgPath
// fullPath: String = "/project/homer/pyramidal/deepzoom/hmt/vaimg/2017a/"
And at this point we can construct the IIIFApi
to form requests for any image in that CITE Collection.
val iif = IIIFApi(baseUrl,fullPath)
// iif: IIIFApi = IIIFApi(
// "",
// "/project/homer/pyramidal/deepzoom/hmt/vaimg/2017a/"
// )