Library version 3.2.0

Construct an IIIFApi for your image collection.

val iiif = IIIFApi(baseUrl,fullPath)
// iiif: IIIFApi = IIIFApi(
//   "",
//   "/project/homer/pyramidal/deepzoom/hmt/vaimg/2017a/"
// )

Now you can form a request to retrieve a binary image like this:

val img = Cite2Urn("urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA012RN_0013")
// img: Cite2Urn = Cite2Urn("urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA012RN_0013")

// res0: String = ",/0/default.jpg"

In addition, you can form requests formatted as:

  • markdown to embed an image in a document
  • markdown to embed an image and link to a zoomable, citable version
  • html to embed an image in a document
  • html to embed an image and link to a zoomable, citable version

Each of these requests has optional parameters to specify a width, or a maximum width or height. Here are examples of each request for embedded images, followed by their output:

iiif.markdownImage(img, width=Some(200))
// res1: String = "![image](,/0/default.jpg)"


iiif.htmlImage(img, maxWidth= Some(75))
// res3: String = "<img class=\"citeImage\" src=\"!75,/0/default.jpg\" />"

The linked image requests also have an optional viewerUrl parameter.

iiif.linkedHtmlImage(img, maxHeight=Some(150))
// res5: String = "<a href=\"\"><img class=\"citeImage\" src=\"!,150/0/default.jpg\" /></a>"

The linked markdown image can also include a caption parameter.

iiif.linkedMarkdownImage(img, width=Some(150), caption="Folio 12 recto of the Venetus A manuscript of the Iliad")
// res7: String = "[![Folio 12 recto of the Venetus A manuscript of the Iliad](,/0/default.jpg)]("

Folio 12 recto

The requests work with URNs citing regions of an image.

val citedRegion = Cite2Urn("urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA012RN_0013@0.1575,0.09332,0.3879,0.03225")
// citedRegion: Cite2Urn = Cite2Urn(
//   "urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA012RN_0013@0.1575,0.09332,0.3879,0.03225"
// )
iiif.linkedMarkdownImage(citedRegion, width=Some(150), caption="Metrical summary of book 1")
// res9: String = "[![Metrical summary of book 1](,9.332,38.79,3.225/150,/0/default.jpg)](,0.09332,0.3879,0.03225)"

Metrical summary of book 1