
case class CtsUrn(urnString: String) extends Urn with LogSupport with Product with Serializable

A URN for a canonically citable text or passage of text.


String representation of CtsUrn validating againt the CtsUrn specification

Linear Supertypes
Product, Equals, LogSupport, LazyLogger, LoggingMethods, Serializable, Serializable, Urn, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. CtsUrn
  2. Product
  3. Equals
  4. LogSupport
  5. LazyLogger
  6. LoggingMethods
  7. Serializable
  8. Serializable
  9. Urn
  10. AnyRef
  11. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new CtsUrn(urnString: String)

    create a new CtsUrn

    create a new CtsUrn


    String representation of CtsUrn validating againt the CtsUrn specification

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. def <(urn: CtsUrn): Boolean

    True if this CtsUrn is contained by a given CtsUrn.

    True if this CtsUrn is contained by a given CtsUrn.


    CtsUrn to compare with this one.

  4. def <=(urn: CtsUrn): Boolean

    True if this CtsUrn is contained by or equal to a given CtsUrn.

    True if this CtsUrn is contained by or equal to a given CtsUrn.


    CtsUrn to compare with this one.

  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  6. def >(urn: CtsUrn): Boolean

    True if this CtsUrn contains a given CtsUrn.

    True if this CtsUrn contains a given CtsUrn.


    CtsUrn to compare with this one.

  7. def ><(u: Urn): Boolean

    True if this CtsUrn is NOT URN-similar to a given Urn.

    True if this CtsUrn is NOT URN-similar to a given Urn. The comparison Urn must be a CtsUrn


    URN to compare.

  8. def ><(urn: CtsUrn): Boolean

    True if this CtsUrn is NOT URN-similar to a given CtsUrn.

    True if this CtsUrn is NOT URN-similar to a given CtsUrn.


    URN to compare.

  9. def >=(urn: CtsUrn): Boolean

    True if this CtsUrn contains or is equal to a given CtsUrn.

    True if this CtsUrn contains or is equal to a given CtsUrn.


    CtsUrn to compare with this one.

  10. def addExemplar(ex: String): CtsUrn

    Create a new CtsUrn by adding or replacing the exemplar part of the passage component with a given value.

  11. def addPassage(psg: String): CtsUrn

    Create a new CtsUrn by adding or replacing the passage component with a given value.

    Create a new CtsUrn by adding or replacing the passage component with a given value.


    String value of new passage reference.

  12. def addVersion(v: String): CtsUrn

    Create a new CtsUrn by adding or replacing the version part of the work hierarchy with a given value.

    Create a new CtsUrn by adding or replacing the version part of the work hierarchy with a given value.


    Version identifier for new URN.

  13. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  14. def citationDepth: Vector[Int]

    Return a Vector of integers representing the citation-depth of the passage component.

    Return a Vector of integers representing the citation-depth of the passage component. May be empty if there is no passage component. Will contain one integer if the URN is not a range; two if it is.

  15. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  16. def collapsePassageBy(i: Int): CtsUrn

    Create a new CtsUrn by collapsing the passage hierarchy by i levels.

    Create a new CtsUrn by collapsing the passage hierarchy by i levels.


    Number of levels to drop from passage hierarchy.

  17. def collapsePassageTo(i: Int): CtsUrn

    Create a new CtsUrn by collapsing the passage hierarchy to a specified level.

    Create a new CtsUrn by collapsing the passage hierarchy to a specified level.


    Number of levels to include in the passage hierarchy.

  18. def componentSyntaxOk: Boolean

    True if URN's syntax for required components is valid.

  19. val componentsRE: Regex
  20. val componentsTriple: (String, String, String)
  21. def concrete: Boolean

    True if URN is a version or exemplar.

  22. macro def debug(message: Any, cause: Throwable): Unit
    Definition Classes
  23. macro def debug(message: Any): Unit
    Definition Classes
  24. def dropExemplar: CtsUrn

    Create a new CtsUrn by dropping the exemplar part of the work component, if any.

  25. def dropPassage: CtsUrn

    Create a new CtsUrn by dropping the passage component from this URN.

  26. def dropSubref: CtsUrn

    Create a new CtsUrn by dropping any extended reference parts from this CtsUrn.

  27. def dropVersion: CtsUrn

    Create a new CtsUrn by dropping the version part from the work component.

  28. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  29. macro def error(message: Any, cause: Throwable): Unit
    Definition Classes
  30. macro def error(message: Any): Unit
    Definition Classes
  31. def exemplar: String

    String value of optional exemplar part of work hierarchy.

    String value of optional exemplar part of work hierarchy. DEPRECATED in favor of exemplarOption

  32. def exemplarOption: Option[String]

    Optional exemplar part of work hierarchy.

  33. def fullyValid: Boolean

    True if value submitted to construct this CtsUrn complies fully with the CtsUrn specification.

  34. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  35. macro def info(message: Any, cause: Throwable): Unit
    Definition Classes
  36. macro def info(message: Any): Unit
    Definition Classes
  37. def isExemplar: Boolean

    True if URN is an exemplar.

  38. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  39. def isNotional: Boolean

    True if URN is a notional work.

  40. def isPoint: Boolean

    True if the URN refers to a point (leaf node or containing node).

  41. def isRange: Boolean

    True if the passage component refers to a range.

  42. def isTextGroup: Boolean

    True if URN is a notional work.

  43. def isVersion: Boolean

    True if URN is a version.

  44. macro def logAt(logLevel: LogLevel, message: Any): Unit
    Definition Classes
  45. lazy val logger: Logger
    Definition Classes
  46. val namespace: String

    Required namespace component of the URN.

  47. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  48. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  49. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  50. val passageComponent: String

    Optional passage component of the URN.

  51. def passageContains(urn: CtsUrn): Boolean

    True if passage reference in urn is contained in or equal to the passage reference of this CtsUrn.

    True if passage reference in urn is contained in or equal to the passage reference of this CtsUrn.


    CtsUrn to compare to this one.

  52. def passageMatch(urn: CtsUrn): Boolean

    True if the passage reference of either this or a given CtsUrn is contained by the other.

    True if the passage reference of either this or a given CtsUrn is contained by the other.


    CtsUrn to compare to this one

  53. def passageNode: String

    String value of the optional single passage node.

  54. val passageNodeOption: Option[String]

    Optional single passage node.

  55. def passageNodeParts: Array[String]

    Array splitting optional single passage node into reference and extended reference.

  56. def passageNodeRef: String

    String value of reference part of optional passage node.

  57. def passageNodeRefOption: Option[String]

    Reference part of optional passage node.

  58. def passageNodeSubref: String

    String value of optional subference component from optional passage node.

  59. def passageNodeSubrefIndex: Int

    Integer value of 0ptional index of the optional passage node.

  60. def passageNodeSubrefIndexOption: Option[Int]

    Optional index value of the optional passage node.

  61. def passageNodeSubrefOption: Option[String]

    Extract optional subference component from optional passage node using packag object's subrefOption function.

  62. def passageNodeSubrefText: String

    String value of optional indexed text of the optional passage node.

  63. def passageNodeSubrefTextOption: Option[String]

    Optional indexed text of the optional passage node.

  64. def passageParts: Vector[String]

    Array of hyphen-separated parts of the passageComponent.

    Array of hyphen-separated parts of the passageComponent.

    The Array will contain 0 elements if passageComponent is empty, 1 element if the passageComponent is a node reference, and 2 elements if the passageComponent is a range reference.

  65. def passageSyntaxOk: Boolean

    True if URN's syntax for optional passage component is valid.

  66. def rangeBegin: String

    String value of first part of an optional range expression in optional passage component.

  67. def rangeBeginOption: Option[String]

    First part of an optional range expression in optional passage component.

  68. def rangeBeginParts: Array[String]

    Array splitting first part of optional range expression into reference and extended reference.

  69. def rangeBeginRef: String

    String value of reference part of first part of range in optional passage node.

  70. def rangeBeginRefOption: Option[String]

    Reference part of first part of range in optional passage node.

  71. def rangeBeginSubref: String

    String value of optional subference component from first part of range in optional passage node.

  72. def rangeBeginSubrefIndex: Int

    Integer value of optional index of the first part of range of optional passage node.

  73. def rangeBeginSubrefIndexOption: Option[Int]

    Optional index value of the first part of range of optional passage node.

  74. def rangeBeginSubrefOption: Option[String]

    Extract optional subference component from first part of ragne in optional passage node using packag object's subrefOption function.

  75. def rangeBeginSubrefText: String

    String value of optional indexed text of the the first part of range of optional passage node.

  76. def rangeBeginSubrefTextOption: Option[String]

    Optional indexed text of the first part of range in optional passage node.

  77. def rangeEnd: String

    String value of second part of an optional range expression in optional passage component.

  78. def rangeEndOption: Option[String]

    Second part of an optional range expression in optional passage component.

  79. def rangeEndParts: Array[String]

    Array splitting second part of optional range expression into reference and extended reference.

  80. def rangeEndRef: String

    String value of reference part of second part of range in optional passage node.

  81. def rangeEndRefOption: Option[String]

    Reference part of second part of range in optional passage node.

  82. def rangeEndSubref: String

    String value of optional subference component from second part of range in optional passage node

  83. def rangeEndSubrefIndex: Int

    Integer value of optional index of the second part of range of optional passage component.

  84. def rangeEndSubrefIndexOption: Option[Int]

    Optional index value of the second part of range of optional passage node.

  85. def rangeEndSubrefOption: Option[String]

    Extract optional subference component from second part of ragne in optional passage node using packag object's subrefOption function

  86. def rangeEndSubrefText: String

    String value of optional indexed text of the second part of range in optional passage node.

  87. def rangeEndSubrefTextOption: Option[String]

    Optional indexed text of the second part of range in optional passage node.

  88. def rangeToUrnVector: Vector[CtsUrn]

    Return a Vector of CtsUrns representing the ends of a range-URN.

    Return a Vector of CtsUrns representing the ends of a range-URN. If the URN is not a range, will return a one-element vector.

  89. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  90. val textGroup: String

    Required textgroup part of work hierarchy.

  91. def toExemplar: CtsUrn

    Create a new CtsUrn identifying this URN's exemplar.

  92. def toString(): String

    Override default toString function.

    Override default toString function.

    Definition Classes
    CtsUrn → AnyRef → Any
  93. def toTextGroup: CtsUrn

    Create a new CtsUrn identifying this URN's text group.

  94. def toVersion: CtsUrn

    Create a new CtsUrn identifying this URN's version.

  95. def toWork: CtsUrn

    Create a new CtsUrn identifying this URN's work.

  96. macro def trace(message: Any, cause: Throwable): Unit
    Definition Classes
  97. macro def trace(message: Any): Unit
    Definition Classes
  98. val urnString: String
  99. def version: String

    String value of optional version part of work hierarchy.

    String value of optional version part of work hierarchy. DEPRECATED in favor of versionOption

  100. def versionOption: Option[String]

    Optional version part of work hierarchy.

  101. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  102. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  103. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  104. macro def warn(message: Any, cause: Throwable): Unit
    Definition Classes
  105. macro def warn(message: Any): Unit
    Definition Classes
  106. def work: String

    String value of optional work part of work hierarchy.

    String value of optional work part of work hierarchy. DEPRECATED in favor of workOption

  107. val workComponent: String

    Required work component of the URN.

  108. def workContains(urn: CtsUrn): Boolean

    True if work reference in urn is contained by the work reference of this CtsUrn.

    True if work reference in urn is contained by the work reference of this CtsUrn.


    CtsUrn to compare to this one.

  109. def workLevel: WorkLevel.Value

    Enumerated WorkLevel for this workComponent.

  110. def workMatch(urn: CtsUrn): Boolean

    true if the passage reference of either urn of this CtsUrn is contained by the other.

    true if the passage reference of either urn of this CtsUrn is contained by the other.


    CtsUrn to compare to this one

  111. def workOption: Option[String]

    Optional work part of work hierarchy.

  112. val workParts: Vector[String]

    Array of dot-separate parts of the workComponent.

  113. def ~~(u: Urn): Boolean

    True if this CtsUrn is URN-similar to a given Urn.

    True if this CtsUrn is URN-similar to a given Urn. Comparison URN must be a CTS URN.


    URN to compare.

    Definition Classes
  114. def ~~(urn: CtsUrn): Boolean

    True if this CtsUrn is URN-similar a given CtsUrn.

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] ) @Deprecated @deprecated

    (Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.

Inherited from Product

Inherited from Equals

Inherited from LogSupport

Inherited from LazyLogger

Inherited from LoggingMethods

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Urn

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
