Quick start

Create a CiteRelationSet

Import the package:

import edu.holycross.shot.citerelation._

Create a CiteRelationSet from a String in CEX format:

val cex = """
// Subject#Relation#Object
// etc, etc, etc
val relationSet = CiteRelationSet(cex)

Query the relations

You’ll need to import the cite library to work with URNs.

import edu.holycross.shot.cite._

The following examples use an index mapping 611 lines of the Iliad to an image’s region of interest.

Find all relations of a given type

val relation = Cite2Urn("urn:cite2:dse:verbs.v1:appears_on")
val triples = relationSet.verb(relation)
// 611 lines indexed in this data set:
assert(triples.size == 611)

Find all relations of a given subject

val psg = CtsUrn("urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001:1.600")
val triples = relationSet.urn1Match(psg)
// Line appears on one page:
assert(triples.size == 1)

Find all relations of a given Object

val img = Cite2Urn("urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.r1:VA023VN_0525")
val triples = relationSet.urn2Match(img)
// 25 lines on a page:
assert(triples.size == 25)

Chain results

val triples = relationSet.verb(relation).urn1Match(psg)

Working relation sets

A CiteRelationSet has a relations member that is a set of triples.

val tripleSet = triples.relations

Each triple has a subject, verb and object.

scala> // arbitrarily select a triple from the set and
     | // look at its three parts
     | val oneTriple = tripleSet.toSeq(0)
oneTriple: edu.holycross.shot.citerelation.CiteTriple = CiteTriple(urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:1.600,urn:cite2:dse:verbs.v1:appears_on,urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.r1:VA023VN_0525@0.497,0.6461,0.363,0.0316)

scala> oneTriple.urn1
res9: edu.holycross.shot.cite.Urn = urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:1.600

scala> oneTriple.relation
res10: edu.holycross.shot.cite.Cite2Urn = urn:cite2:dse:verbs.v1:appears_on

scala> oneTriple.urn2
res11: edu.holycross.shot.cite.Urn = urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.r1:VA023VN_0525@0.497,0.6461,0.363,0.0316