
The CitableLibrary package defines a type, the CiteLibrary, which includes one or more collections of citable resources

Citable collections

Collections of citable resources (or more briefly, citable collections) must implement four kinds of behavior.

  • iteration. Citable collections can be used with any Julia functions working with iterable collections.
  • URN comparison Collections can be queried by filtering their identifiers with URN logic.
  • serialization of individual collections. Individual citable collections can be be losslessly serialized to plain-text representation in CEX format and instantiated from the same plain-text representation

Citable libraries

The CiteLibrary is a citable object: it can be cited by URN, and identified with a human-readable label. It is also serializable, and can be losslessly represented in CEX format and instantiated from the same plain-text representation.


The fromcex function for the CiteLibrary type is defined in a separate package CiteEXchange. See the explanation in these pages and the documentation for CiteEXchange

The following pages provide a working example of how a citable collection relates to a citable library. First we define a custom type of citable collection, then implement each of its required behaviors, and finally add a collection to a CiteLibrary, and show some ways it can be used.