
The CitableCorpus.jl package defines functions for working with the following structures:

  • a CatalogedText text associates labelling metadata with an identifying URN for a concrete version of a text.
  • a TextCatalogCollection is a collection of CatalogedTexts.
  • a CitablePassage represents a passage of text. It associates a CtsUrn with a string value for the content of the passage.
  • a CitableTextCorpus contains an ordered list of CitablePassages belonging to one or more versions of one or more texts.
In development

The next release of CitableCorpus is planned to include CitableDocument and CitableDocumentCollection types. The CitableDocument represents a single cataloged document. It associates an ordered list of CitablePassages, all belonging to a single version of a single text, with a CatalogedText. The CitableDocumentCollection is list of CitableDocuments.

The behaviors of these structures are defined by the traits from the CitableBase package that each one fulfills.

Both the TextCatalogCollection and the CitableTextCorpus are citable collections, and therefore implement Julia's interface for iterators. This means that you can apply any function to them that you can use for other iterable collections. for psg in corpus, for example, iterates through all passages in corpus.

User's guide

The following pages document each of the above structures. Throughout our examples, we will work with a citable corpus of the five extant versions of the Gettysburg Address.

Data files

You can find the text corpus serialized in CEX format in the file gettysburgcorpus.cex of this repository's test/data directory. In the same directory, the file gettysburgcatalog.cex has a CEX representation of the catalog for that corpus.