hocuspocus Library for working with a CTS archive

Programmer's guide to the `hocuspocus` library

Most of the functionality of individual classes in the hocuspocus library is available through the Corpus class. This document offers an overview of the library’s functionality; the accompanying file corpus.md provides a guide to using the Corpus class. Further details for all classes can be found in the API documentation (which can be generated with gradle groovydoc). The unit tests also provide illustrative examples.


The hocuspocus library operates on an archive of XML texts documented in a CTS TextInventory. The functionality it provides includes:

  • converting canonically citable XML texts to a tabular format equivalent under OHCO2.
  • tokenizing editions using a specified tokenization system
  • generating RDF statements representing:
    • an OHCO2-complete representation of the entire edited corpus using the Homer Multitext project’s RDF vocabulary
    • a tokenization of the corpus mapping tokens to occcurrences cited with canonical CTS URNs
    • automatically generated editions citable by tokenized units